int tmpPWM_Out = 64; int PWM_Out; int Direction = 1; int InHigh = 255; int InLow = 0; int OutputHigh; int OutputLow; // in - outputs int StepPin = 7; int DirPin = 8; int Mode = 3; int OnOff = 2; int ScaleOn = 5; int ZeroOff = 6; int AnalogLow = A0; // potentiometer connected to analog pin 0 laser min int AnalogHigh = A1; // potentiometer connected to analog pin 1 laser max int Laser = 9; void setup() { pinMode(DirPin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(StepPin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Mode, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(OnOff, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ScaleOn, INPUT_PULLUP); analogWriteResolution(8); pinMode(Laser, OUTPUT); // interrupts on de Step an Dir inputs // try to make it as fast as posible, because we don't want to miss steps // maybe the Dir input on a normal input is Better? attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(StepPin), Count, RISING); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(DirPin), ChangeDir, CHANGE); if (digitalRead(DirPin)) // Dir input { Direction = -1; } } void loop() { if (digitalRead(Mode) == HIGH) // on/off mode on // if the On/Off mode is active, we are not sending step and Dir pulses // so Count and ChangeDir are never called { if (digitalRead(OnOff) == HIGH) // on off input { tmpPWM_Out = 255; } else { tmpPWM_Out = 0; } } if (digitalRead(ScaleOn) == HIGH) // Scale fubction on { OutputLow = analogRead(AnalogLow) / 4; OutputHigh = analogRead(AnalogHigh) / 4; PWM_Out = map(tmpPWM_Out, 0, 255, OutputLow, OutputHigh); // scale wanted value between 2 potmeter setpoints.. if (digitalRead(ZeroOff) == HIGH) { if ( tmpPWM_Out == 0) { PWM_Out = 0; } } } else // Scale fubction off { PWM_Out = tmpPWM_Out; } analogWrite(Laser, PWM_Out); // real output to laser } void Count() { tmpPWM_Out = tmpPWM_Out + Direction; // step pulse input on the rising edges Interrupt if (tmpPWM_Out > 255) { tmpPWM_Out = 255; } if (tmpPWM_Out < 0) { tmpPWM_Out = 0; } } void ChangeDir() { Direction = 1; // Dir input on a change interrupt if (digitalRead(DirPin)) { Direction = -1; } }